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Please fill the form below to join us in the Monthly Fundraising drive:

    Complete Name*:




    Monthly Contribution Amount(Min Rs. 100/-)*:
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    Why we need support?

    Most of the work of the organization is done by volunteers. To keep up the routine work of the organization we need to financially support accountants, coordinators and project in-charge. So far we have minimum number of full time employees. To respond the ever growing needs of youth from various parts of India we need to increase the number of full time coordinators. We also need to employ fund raisers. This is very crucial part of the organization.

    We are also in process of creating a media team which will be looking all media related works like Websites, Social Networking sites, making documentary, news-bytes, video recording of retreats, etc.

    For managing our Administration Team, Fund Raising team and Media Team, we are in constant need of financial support. We cannot keep running and growing without your contribution. So kindly donate on monthly basis to ensure we keep going. Whatever way you wish to contribute will always be of great value for us. 


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