1.how they are ?

All reflections were positive

2. What is purpose your to come and attain this ?

Means how you feel when she this topic , Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and His Life Style .?

Everyone shared this opinion Regarding the subject .

Everyone where thinking differently by looking subject . But Same approach in all That every One want learn Differently about the life and Struggle of Dr. Ambedkar.


Trainer explained the intention behind this subject.

Why he chose this subject for workshop he explain on that .

He Start the session from a story of sparrow who takes initiative to do something big for the benefit of ‘Jungle’.

Trainer has connected the initiative approach also in Dr. B.R. AMBEDKAR. Little bit he explains the sacrifice and the quality of Dr. AMBEDKAR.

ACTIVITY 1.  Trainer gave a task and made two two group of participants and flout the question in front of them.


What you  learn from Ambedkar  for making good Your life .

Compare the quality of yours and Babasaheb’s .

Activity Time was 20 min.

After activity participants were very confident.

Trainer share his Observation during the  activity that he had seen .

ACTIVITY 2: One person stand from every group which made by activity One and they three person share their experiences when they were discussing about ambedkar and their life . This activity was 10 min. They three open from their discussion.

Outcome of this activity was they deeply connected with the thought of Babasahab and his Values.

ACTIVITY 3: From this activity trainer established a real incident of Ambedkar’s life . Where he denied black money don’t need for his moment.

From live practical activity which shows the values of Ambedkar . Everyone got silent when trainer explain that Dr. B.R. Ambedkar never done any compromise with his values and character. After This activity from all participants trainer take and write on a board the values of Ambedkar which is observed in his life .

Every values are show important role  in Babasaheb’s life and with trainer all participants also discussed and feel the incident of Ambedkar’s life in that difficult situation he maintain his value and continue improved his leadership to lead every person who literally deserves freedom and equality also his much contribution in indian context .Not also for only one community.  His famous quote “WE ARE INDIAN ,FIRSTLY AND LASTLY.

One question rise after this

Why he took Buddhism…..

He give a new way to his community The way was Buddhist way .In buddhist some people mentioned Navayana

The new way to liberation to self and also others .

ACTIVITY 4 : In this activity trainer  gave a task to participants and rise a question which commitment  you can take as a gift to Ambedkar ji ?

Condition was that this commitment everyone have to take as an individual level.

Participants took individual commitment by personal introspection and comparison the problems of Babasaheb’s Life and their self Life .

Every participants noted down their personal  commitment and sticked it on Board .