
Topic: Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Dhamma Revolution (Mass Conversion)
Leader: Dhammachari Subhuti, President-NNBY
Date: 6th to 11th Oct 2016
Venue: Huen Tsang Retreat Centre, Bhordharan-Wardha, Maharashtra- India
Participants: 139
21 International: 9 Male 12 Female (12 -UK, 7-Australia, 1-Scotland and 1-Singapore)
118 Indian: 35 Male 83 Female (82- Maharashtra, 18-Uttar Pradesh, 8-Bihar, 1-Arunachal Pradesh, 2-Odisha, 5-Chhattisgarh, 1-Andra Pradesh and 1-Karnataka)

ibyc 2016

Since the inception of NNBY from 2006 we believe in “Grow Together with mutual love” and build the strong network not only within India but also across the border. NNBY has participated in many international Youth Exchange Program in countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, America, Nepal, England, etc. NNBY organized its first IBYC on Feb 2013 at Bodhgaya, Bihar. Around 175 youth participated from different states of India and 40 participants were from 13 different countries.
The objective behind organizing such convention is to understand the wider perspective of Buddhist Art and culture, Social, historical, Dhammic and various other aspect of youth subjects of their countries. The gathering brings the enclosure to each other and build the compassionate growth among themselves. NNBY after every three years organizes IBYC and will invite youth from different countries to share their views to transform self and the world.

This International Buddhist Youth Convention was our second one which was attended by 139 participants which includes 21 international participants from UK, Australia, Scotland and Singapore. In this IBYC2016 all the international participants were from the Triratna Buddhist Community representing  4 countries which includes 4 order members (Dhammachari).
On 6th of Oct 2016 after completing all the registration process, IBYC2016 was officially inaugurated by Dh Subhuti in the evening. The international participants introduced themselves to the Indian participants.
Next four days (7th to 10th Oct) Dh Subhuti led the Convention exploring the theme of conversion and what is it that we need to do in order to complete this process of conversion.  Subhuti has long been a guiding influence for the Triratna Buddhist Community centres throughout the UK and Europe as well as the Americas, India and Australasia. For the last 25 years Subhuti has been instrumental in the growth of the Indian wing of the movement, currently spending 6 months a year working particularly closely with the men’s ordination team here.
The participants were divided into 13 different groups for Group Discussions which used to be immediately daily after the main session of Dh Subhuti. Discussions and sharing was based on the main talk. Group discussion helped the participants to be more connected with each other due personal sharing in the groups. The participants were exploring the newer outlook for dissemination of better and happier world.
During the convention, four Floating Sessions were held each on two days. These floating sessions were lead by Dh Maitriveer Nagarjuna, Dh Vidyaruchi, Dh Sanghadhara, Dh Amrutsiddhi and Dh Shraddhavajri. Floating sessions helped the participants to explore more of dhamma from these leaders.
Panel discussion was held on two days which was led by Dh Subhuti and Dh Maitriveer Nagarjuna respectively. Conversion Movement and Social transformation were the two topics which was anticipated by 3 International and 3 Indian participants respectively during these two Panel Discussions.
Cultural and Harvesting Period was held every evening which made the participants to share their talents with others. There was dance, music, play and short documentary during these times.
Activity Presentation were given by different participants to share the work they are doing in their respective countries and areas.  Lizzie Guniness and team gave presentation on Karuna Trust. Angela Riley and team gave Presentation on Sydney Buddhist Centre (SBC). Clear Vision Trust presentation was given by Dh. Sanghadhara and Dh Mokshapriya. Dh. Vidyaruchi gave presentation on UK Buddhist Youth Movement. Stephanie and team gave presentation on London Buddhist Centre(LBC).
On part of Indian NNBY Team, Vikash and Shubhangi gave the presentation of NNBY structure. Vaibhav, Milind and team gave the presentation of the North India NNBY activities. Vikash and Nitin gave the presentation of the Bihar NNBY activities. Sayuri, Anom and team gave presentation on Universal Network of Buddhist Children (UNBC).
Every morning would start by Meditation and Chi Kung exercises to integrate physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. This would help the participants to be more focused the whole day.
On the final day of the convention, 11th Oct, which was the day marking the 60th anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s conversion to Buddhism and immediate conversions of his followers, we joined the thousands of others in the place of conversion, Dikshabhumi in Nagpur. On reaching the Dikshabhumi we inaugurated the stall of NNBY which was setup for the promotion of the 10th National Convention which is to be held on 25th December 2016. There after we all visited the stall of Triratna, where Dh Maitriveer Nagarjuna gave the details of the conversion and its importance. We all then took the 22 vows as prescribed by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar along with hundreds of the followers who came to pay homage at Dikshabhumi. Thus was the final conclusion of the convention.

Major Outcome OF IBYC2016

  • Building International relationships to practice Dharma deeply across the world
  • To maintain International Relationships:
  • International Youth Exchange Program : We can travel to each other’s country and live in community and design such activities which can help us to better understand the conditions in each other’s country so that the knowledge ideas etc. could be motivated and supported for Dharma practice.
    In order to stay updated and connected, co-ordinate with the organizer’s from every region from different countries and exchange their work, their planning and strategies on social networking sites.
    By encouraging youths to make deep spiritual friendship with maximum of two or three friends they have met on Convention.
  • Fundraising: We need to share fundraising knowledge (strategies, ways of planning etc.). Learn how to fund raise in our individual regions using shared knowledge
  • Media teams: Linking with Clear Vision we will share the activities that we are doing in our countries. Create a media team across the nations to share learning and discussions.

For IBYC2016 image gallery and more details please visit: http://ibyc.nnby.org/

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