National Network of Buddhist Youth
Second Regional Youth Retreat
Lead by- Maitriveer Nagarjuna
Subject- Be Your Own Light
Date- 15th June 2017 to 19th June 2017
Venue- Santhagar, Gondia.
Co-ordinator: Sonal, Subham, Sanjay, Sujata, Ritesh
Indicators: 85 Girls, 65 Boys Total : 150
Participants were come from Gondia District

DATE:- 15th June 2017
From 2pm to 5pm registration counter was arranged to welcome the participants and give them the id which was held by:-

  1. Kishor- who looked at paid or unpaid fees remark department.
  2. Sanjay- Mobile submit department.
  3. Neha- I-card department.
  4. Sangit- He welcomed the participants and inform about the rooms.

OPENING CEREMONY was arranged at 6.30pm to 8pm. The Gondia team welcomed the guests. The team arranged the pooja and anchoring was lead by Sonal and Pournima. There were 5 guests present, the name are as follows:-

  • Bharti Shetty.
  • Ashok Kamble.
  • Narendra Meshram.
  • Madame Sir.

Bharti Shetty was welcomed by VishvajeetBagde and Kishor Ramteke. Ashok Kamble was welcomed by MamtaBorkar. NarendraMeshram was welcomed by PournimaRamteke. Madame Sir was welcomed by KirtiKatkar and MahendraKathane was welcomed by Rohit Tirpude.

VishvajeetBagde gave the introduction of regional retreat in which he said, “NNBY’s first convention was taken on 16th June to 19th June 2016 in the last year. That time Gondia team members help a lot to NNBY. NNBY liked the work of Gondia team organization as they were connecting the youth together. That time we decided to take convention in 2017 at Santhagar, Gondia to connect the youth together. To connect more and more youth from Gondia, we took maximum participants from that particular region. National Network of Buddhist Youth is a platform where every caste and religion youths can come together and only on the basis of friendship and humanity they can form liberty, equality anf fraternity in the society. Our subject name is BE YOUR OWN LIGHT and this subject is going to be lead by Dh. MaitriveerNagarjuna.

After this, Guest Talk was there in which NarendraMeshramgave the talk which says, “ Last year we got some NNBY youths and we came to know about their activities. NNBY’s first regional convention was very nice, many of the youths were present.”

Another guest talk was presented by Madame sirsaying “ Me and my santhagar friends are very happy as the next upcoming generation is going to come up to take our responsibility. They are aware and ready for this.”

Then started the main talk by Guest Bharti Shettyshe said about subject i.e. Be your own light. We are going to learn that “How to become our own light in this upcoming five days.” Whatever today we have is maximum taken from others, we are depending on other but now we have to learn “how to get it by our ownself.” The “NNBY team and others will only guide us but we own have to be our light.”

At last Kishor Ramteke gave some instructions and ended up the opening ceremony programme by saying thank you.

From 8pm to 9.30pm dinner was arranged. Everyone went to sleep at 9.30.

DATE:- 16th June 2017


All participants got up at 5.30am. Bharti Shetty conducted Chikum exercise at 6.30 am and Meditation [ANAPANSATI]at 7am to 8am.

CHIKUM: – It is a Chinese exercise. In Chinese “CHI” maens “ENERGY”. If we practice it daily, we feel fresh and energetic all day.

ANAPANSATI: – When we practice this meditation our concentration power increases and awareness about ourself and others also increases.

From 8am to 8.30am breakfast tea was served by gondia team or candid team.

MAIN TALK: – At 10am main talk started by Dh. MaitriveerNagarjuna.

  • MaitriveerNagarjuna lighted the candles and then started his talk “Be Your Own Light it’s not instant process. It’s a slow process which is not automatic. It takes time. First we have to think of the DARKNESS (अंधकार). “Are we really in Darkness?” “Why we have to be our own light?” “जहांप्रकाशहै, वहांकोईअंधेरानहींहै; जहां कोई प्रकाश नहीं है, वहां अंधेरा है”This two things cannot take place at the same time. When we have to move towards light, “we have to understand the process,nature,disadvantage, problems of Darkness and how can we get out of it.” “It is important to know whether we are really in darkness of not.” Night and day is only for us but the sun doesn’t have to do anything with it. The sun gives only the LIGHT (प्रकाश). Sometimes our habits, nature is still as we are in Darkness. Some people say that “they know everything” but they only have the little knowledge but still they act as they know everything. So what we should say to that people “are they in darkness or in light?” Dh. MaitriveerNagarjuna says that “BabasahebAmbedkar in his book ‘Buddha and his Dhamma’sayed about the VIEW or VISION of the people are prejudice. Everyone is pre-judging the things before knowing it. It’s based on history, he gave some examples based on this.

On the basis of this story BabasahebAmbedkar classified ‘SLAVE (गुलाम)in two types: –

  1. The slave who doesn’t have any IDEAL in life, that’s why he remains in Darkness forever.
  2. The slave who have the IDEAL in his life, that’s why he comes out from Darkness into Light. Trying his own.

From this BabasahebAmbedkar Says *It’s not important whether you are a slave or not? But it is important to keep an ideal before you.*

There are two types of ideal:-

  1. Artificial: – the ideal who is forcefully given to someone.
  2. Natural: – the ideal who comes from our own mind.

So we have to think that from “Where does the light will come? What is the source of light?”

And we own have to go toward the light. We own have to be our light.

Then from 11am to 12pm there was group discussion among 12 groups’ who’s leaders were: –

  1. RiteshKhobragade
  2. SonalKamble
  3. Sujata Vaidya
  4. Sanjay Borkar and Suresh Meshram
  5. ShubhamKamble
  6. SangitLataSakhre
  7. NehaBhelave
  8. KirtiKatkar
  9. NehaGajbhiye
  10. Mayor Vaidya
  11. PournimaRamteke
  12. MamtaBorkar

At 12pm to 1pm there was session of Question Answers


1pm to 3pm lunch and rest time.

FLOATING SESSION: – After this, at 3pm there was tea and floating session were arranged. Announcement of floating session was done by VishvajeetBagde.

Name and subject of Trainers: –

  • Ritesh Khobragade

Subject:- Goal Setting

  • Neha Bhelave

Subject:- Real Happiness

  • Sonal Kamble

Subject:- Three Idiotic Question of my mind

  • Sangit Sakhare

Subject:- Rise and Shine

  • Neha Gajbhiye

Subject:- Arya Ashtangik Marg


GAME: – was played at 5pm up to 6pm lead by Bharti Shetty.

This game was played for the relaxment of participants.

SPECIAL TALK: – At 6.30pm to 8pmwas given by Dh. Anomshur

SUBJECT: – Problems And It’s Solution: – Dh. Anomshur said that “If we are in problem, we own are the solution of it. It means we ourselves can remove us from problems. Other person can only give some suggestions to us or else console us but we are own who can get out of our problems.” Dh. Anomshur taught us about the basic principles of life.

And then after this, from 8pm to 9pm it was dinner time. Then pooja was organized at 9pm to 10pm.

Everyone went to sleep at 10pm.

DATE:- 17th June 2017
DAY: – 3


Next day, everyone got up at 5.30am, Bharti Shetty conducted CHIKUM exercise (to relax the body and get energy) at 6.30 am and Meditation [MAITRIBHAVNA DHYAN]from 7am to 8am.

MAITRIBHAVNA DHYAN: – This meditation has five steps. To think positive towards each and everyone.

From 8am to 8.30am breakfast was there.

MAIN TALK by Dh. Maitriveer Nagarjuna from 10am to 11.30am.

  • In this he says that “everyone thinks that they should respect the one who is superior to themselves. To respect others is not only teaching of Buddhism but it is followed by the whole world. Whatever the person has he/she should share it with others.” Dh. MaitriveerNagarjuna taught “what is vision?” and he also taught us about “What is religion?” the answer to this question given by himself was “A person behaves another person with HUMANITY is called as religion.”

GROUP DISCUSSION: -Then after the talk was done by 12 groups from 11.30 to 1pm.

Every group leader took their participants went for discussion.


Lunch and rest break was taken from 1pm to 3pm. Tea was arranged from 3pm to 3.15pm.

FLOATING SESSION: – Floating sessions was arranged at 3.15pm to 5pm. Announcement was given by VishvajitBagade.

Name and Subjects of Trainers: –

  1. Sujata Vaidya

Subject:- Good Listner

  1. SonalKamble

Subject:- One step ahead towards the revolution

  1. PournimaRamteke

Subject:- MPSC

  1. Mayur Vaidya

Subject:- Vision

  1. Madame Sir

Subject:- Budhism


Question and answer session was lead by Dh. MaitriveerNagarjuna from 5pm to 6pm. In this session many of the participant asked questions to Dh. MaitriveerNagarjuna and he gave all the answers to them.

SPECIAL TALK: -Special talk was lead by Bharti Shetty at 7pm to 8pm.


A person should always have a clear vision. The Vision which person choose it should be select by thinking on it properly. Whether the Vision is right or not it’s also decided by us.

Dinner was arranged at 8pm to 9 pm. From 9pm onward till 10pm  POOJA was taken by Dh. MaitriveerNagarjuna. At 10pm everyone went to sleep.

DATE:- 18th June 2017
DAY: – 4


Next day, everyone got up at 5.30am, Bharti Shetty conducted CHIKUM exercise (to relax the body and get energy) at 6.30 am and Meditation [ANAPANSATI]from 7am to 8am.

ANAPANSATI : – This meditation has four steps. To control our mind to get an eternal peace.

From 8am to 8.30am breakfast was there.

MAIN TALK by Dh. Maitriveer Nagarjuna from 10am to 11.30am.

  • In this session Maitriveer told to the participants to be away from temptation. He told how to change ourselves. It is very easy to win the people but it is very hard to win ourselves. Therefore we should concentrate ourselves. We should overcome on our mind. We should think over how to control our mind because we are known by our work and not by birth. Brahmin is not Brahmin by birth but he becomes by his good work. We can also become Brahmin by performing good work. Only your good work lead you to trodden on the right path. Dh. Maitriveer focused on the good work and bad work (dq”ky deZ vdq’ky deZ).

GROUP DISCUSSION: -Then after the talk was done by 12 groups from 11.30 to 1pm.

Every group leader took their participants went for discussion.


Lunch and rest break was taken from 1pm to 3pm. Tea was arranged from 3pm to 3.15pm.

FLOATING SESSION: – Floating sessions was arranged at 3.15pm to 5pm. Announcement was given by VishvajitBagade.

Name and Subjects of Trainers: –

  1. Kishore Ramteke

Subject:- Friendship

  1. Sanjay Borkar

Subject :- Open your heart

  1. Subham Kamble

Subject:- What is love

  1. Sangeet Sakhare

Subject:- Positive Thinking

  1. Mahendra Kathane Sir

Subject:- Truth Way



Question and answer session was lead by Dh. MaitriveerNagarjuna from 5pm to 6pm. In this session many of the participant asked questions to Dh. MaitriveerNagarjuna and he gave all the answers to them.

SPECIAL TALK: – Concluding talk was leaded by Dh. Maitriveer Nagarjuna at 7pm to 8pm.

During the three days of session, Maitriveer gave valuable thoughts on how to enlighten ourselves. We learnt how to enlight ourself like a candle who burns itself but gives light to others.

Dinner was arranged at 8pm to 9 pm.

From 9pm – 10pm: Dh. Maitriveer Nagarjuna was honored by giving a momento from NNBY team. All organizers were given certificates by Maitriveer.

At last POOJA was conducted by Dh. Maitriveer Nagarjuna.

At 10pm everyone went to sleep.

DATE:- 19th June 2017
DAY: – 5


Next day, everyone got up at 5.30am, Bharti Shetty conducted CHIKUM exercise (to relax the body and get energy) at 6.30 am and Meditation [MAITRIBHAVNA DHYAN]from 7am to 8am.

MAITRIBHAVNA : – This meditation has five steps. Create positivity.

From 8am to 8.30am breakfast was there.

MAIN TALK by Chetan Meshram from 10am to 11.30am.

  • In this session, Chetan sir told the participants how to be aware of current issues. He continued on how the youth can utilize his TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE. He also encouraged the youth how to pay back to the society in college life. He put the whole ideology of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Hon. Kanshiram sahib. He clarified the concept of “PAY BACK TO SOCIETY”.

GROUP DISCUSSION: -Then after the talk was done by 12 groups from 11.30 to 1pm.

Every group leader took their participants went for discussion. Every participants filled out the feedback form.

AFTERNOON SESSION: – Feedback and Cultural Programs

Lunch and rest break was taken from 2pm to 4pm.

Encoring by Sangeet and Sakshi

Around 20 participants gave the feedback before all the participants, organizers and guest. Overall feedback was quite positive from all.

Bharti Shetty and Chetam Meshram both were honored with a momento. All 150 participants were given certificates by Bharti Shetty.

At last Vishvajeet gratitude for all the participants.


        All the participants came to know how to be aware of. They learnt how to be active in life. They also learnt how to enlight themselves.

3 Task groups formed. 1 Girls wing formed. Each task group has 12-15 participants.

NEXT CONVENTION: 3rd Regional Youth Convention, Gondia

Date: June 2018











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